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自然保护地在维持生态平衡,实现生态系统服务功能中可以发挥重要作用,但不同类型自然保护地的主导生态系统服务功能供给存在一定差异.《自然保护地法》立法工作须依赖理论上对自然保护地的类型化,并在此基础上建构对应型的规划建设、运营管理等方面的具体制度.因此,基于生态系统服务功能供给的空间差异,可以将当前相互重叠、缺乏体系的自然保护地划分为国家公园、自然保护区、自然公园、自然保护小区等四种类型,搭建"1部基础法律+4部类型化条例(或法律)"的自然保护地法律体系,并可以通过体系化公法、私法制度工具强化自然保护地的有效治理.  相似文献   
民族记忆既是传承民族文化基因的载体,也是彰显民族文化基因的重要文化表征。民族记忆作为延续民族历史和文化基因的内在根基,通过传承民族历史文化、建构民族身份、塑造民族形象等形式传承和彰显民族文化基因的内在特征。以瑶族为代表的少数民族文化基因是中华民族文化基因的重要组成部分,深入挖掘瑶族民族记忆中蕴含的“中华民族共同体”文化基因,并阐释其内在的价值与意义,对培育和铸牢我国各民族的“中华民族共同体”意识有着重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   
采用DEA模型对安徽省大别山区旅游扶贫效率的综合测度影响因素分析可知:安徽省大别山区旅游扶贫效率处于中等偏低水平,呈现波动上升的趋势,主要受规模效率驱动;旅游扶贫规模效率和旅游扶贫综合效率的空间分异特征较为类似,均呈现出区域中间高南北低的分布,旅游扶贫纯技术效率高值区呈现出由区域北部和南部片状集中分布逐渐向四周不断分散分布的演化态势;投入规模、人力支持水平、可达性水平、信息化水平对大别山区旅游扶贫效率产生正向影响,且影响强弱呈现为信息化水平>人力支持>可达性水平>投入规模。  相似文献   
清代冕宁县作为多民族杂居的地区,雍正年间改土归流后,国家治理开始深入基层社会,为了适应当地民族社会管理的特别需要,当地形成了一种特殊的制度——夷兵换班制。“夷兵换班制”是通过招募当地“夷民”到流官衙署中充当“夷兵”,作为地方流官处理涉及少数民族内部事务的辅助人员,保证国家在处理当地少数民族民政、治安、司法等事务时有熟悉当地“夷俗”的衙吏。由于“夷兵”实行定期轮换,所以称为“夷兵换班制”。“夷兵换班制”的核心是“夷兵”,“夷兵”从职能上看,最初是作为地方治安保安人员,但在现实中往往成为流官和夷民之间在民政、治安、司法事务管理中的中介,具有沟通官方与民间信息、促进国家法与民族习惯融合与互动、弥补外来官吏地方民族事务管理能力不足等功能。总之,“夷兵换班制”是清代地方流官衙署在西南地区治理时针对特定地区设置的一种变通制度,这种制度对于国家在少数民族地区基层社会的治理发挥着十分重要的积极作用。  相似文献   
马富英  依乌 《民族学刊》2018,9(3):37-42, 109-111
中国工农红军长征时期,党高度重视民族问题,制定和实施了一系列符合中国革命和民族实际的民族纲领政策,开创了一条运用马克思主义民族理论解决中国民族问题的探索之路。中国共产党早期的民族纲领与民族政策主张是从马克思列宁主义关于民族独立、民族分离、建立联邦或区域自治等方面去阐释。随着我国革命形势的发展变化,党已认识到民族独立或联邦制并不符合中国的国情,不主张民族自决和实行联邦制,并最终确认了在统一的国家中实行民族区域自治的政策。认真分析长征时期党民族理论政策的发展演变进程,对新时期科学总结党民族工作经验和指导民族工作实践,不断发展和完善中国特色社会主义民族理论体系,实现中华民族伟大复兴具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Psychosocial benefits of activism include increased empowerment, social connectedness, and resilience. Yet sexual minority women (SMW) and transgender individuals with multiple oppressed statuses and identities are especially prone to oppression-based experiences, even within minority activist communities. This study sought to develop an empirical model to explain the diverse meanings of social justice activism situated in SMW and transgender individuals’ social identities, values, and experiences of oppression and privilege. Using a grounded theory design, 20 SMW and transgender individuals participated in initial, follow-up, and feedback interviews. The most frequent demographic identities were queer or bisexual, White, middle-class women with advanced degrees. The results indicated that social justice activism was intensely relational, replete with multiple benefits, yet rife with experiences of oppression from within and outside of activist communities. The empirically derived model shows the complexity of SMW and transgender individuals’ experiences, meanings, and benefits of social justice activism.  相似文献   
为提升历史城区的绿道品质,优化非机动车出行环境,对自行车绿道系统的规划与设计方法进行了实证研究。根据自行车绿道系统的特性,按照空间形态特性将历史城区的自行车绿道系统分为单元、廊道及节点等3类要素,通过自组织映射图模型、最短路算法、旅行推销员算法及自行车路阻函数等,在地理信息系统上建立了基于赋权系数的自行车绿道系统规划方法,并应用所提出的方法对西安市主城区自行车绿道系统进行实证研究。研究结果表明,西安可以构建成包括22条骑行廊道、总长度142.6 km的自行车绿道网络,证明提出的方法能建立适用于历史城区出行特性的自行车绿道系统。  相似文献   

LGBTQ+?people face multiple challenges to parenthood because of barriers such as discriminatory legislation and policies influencing foster parenting, adoption, and reproductive health services. This study documents these obstacles and examines their impact through a grounded theory analysis of interviews of LGBTQ+?prospective parents. Stressors included social isolation, unnecessary medicalization, prohibitive financial costs related to accessing social and medical services (sometimes across state lines), and being denied services, parental leave, and insurance coverage. Findings indicate that heteronormative attitudes and discrimination can lead to debilitating and enduring harm upon the economic, emotional, and relational well-being of growing LGBTQ+?families.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the prevalence of parenting and child-caretaking among a sample of black men who have sex with men (MSM), as well as associations between parenting roles and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) factors. Parenting and SRH data were derived from a survey of 199 black MSM. Nearly half of the sample reported being a father or father-figure (44.4%), almost a third indicated serving as caretaker of a child (29.1%), and one in five have a biological child (20.1%). Over half of the sample reported at least one of these three parenting/child-caretaking roles (52.5%). Two significant differences were observed for sexual health variables: men with biological children were significantly more likely to report using condoms inconsistently (55.0% vs. 35.7%, p = .026) and engaging in transactional sex work (36.8% vs. 21.0%, p = .041). Given the observed prevalence, parenting and child-caretaking among black MSM warrant further inquiry as factors that may influence SRH outcomes and care utilization. Services and interventions tailored to black MSM should consider these men’s potential roles and responsibilities as parents and caretakers of children.  相似文献   
A need exists to better understand how racial/ethnic minority students' critical consciousness development in response to marginalization may be involved in their educational and career development. We therefore examined the link between critical consciousness development and career decision self-efficacy and career outcome expectations among racial/ethnic minority community college students. Following social cognitive career theory's conceptual pillars, we developed a testable model integrating critical consciousness and social cognitive variables. This model was tested with 135 racially and ethnically diverse community college students. Data analysis included path analyses and tests of model fit using structural equation modeling. Results suggested that (a) higher critical agency is linked to higher career decision self-efficacy and outcome expectations and (b) critical action and reflection have a bidirectional link and predict higher critical agency. Implications for research and practice aiming to close educational and career gaps among racial/ethnic minorities are discussed.  相似文献   
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